Important stuff will go here one day.
anyone still alive?
Finding the Time to Workout while taking care of kiddies
I truly get my workout in whenever I can in the day. I have 5 kiddies under the age of 7 yo. 2 of them go to school, while I take care of my 3 younger ones and manage my home based fitness business. I make my workouts non negotiable and get them in where I can. Sometiemes it will be super early in the morning before they…
Sample some Shakeology (yummy protein shake), workout and le
Hi peeps: I'm having an event at my house on Saturday, April 21st 1pm-3pm in the Palm Valley (Goodyear) area. We will drink some Shakeology, a yummy, healthy meal replacement protein shake and learn about the different Beachbody fitness programs and do a fun workout afterwards. Fruit and veggie bar will also be provided as…
Free workout w/Palm Valley Fit Club-Goodyear AZ
Hi Peeps: I have a Fit Club at my house every Tuesday at 7pm here in Goodyear, AZ in the Palm Valley area. We workout to a library of fitness programs from Beachbody (the ppl behind P90X, Insanity, Brazil Butt Lift and more!). You are welcome to come and check it out! It's free and you don't need to bring anything other…
Don't get lazy on the weekends!
Hi Team! Tip: Don't get lazy on the weekends. This is the perfect time to invest a little extra energy into your health. Try planning your meals for the week every Sunday. Make sure to have lots of tupperware on hand so you can prepare as much as possible ahead of time. Then you can just grab and go!