Today is the first day of Not Getting on the Scale.......Let me see those check-ins...... I, Stephanie Cook ...have not gotten on the scale since April 8th........
I know it seems like I forgot about my NO SCALERS!! I guess it is because I hate the scale and I don't watch it or look forward to seeing it or steping on it ever....We have our weigh in coming soon and wanted to know what you think.. Do you think that you will be up/down...Have you loss so many inches that the scale…
This is just a brief introduction of the NO SCALE til Memorial Day(MAY 31st)...... What we do is focus on our eating and workout to our fullest....We often get trapped by that scale....think about it when you jump on it...and lose weight you are happy for that moment and it's not 5 minute before you are thinking of the…
Just a twist on the No Scale will be able to take your measurements bi/weekly on MONDAY....Post them here.... THANKS AGAIN FOR PARTICIPATING>....ALWAYS GIVE IT YOUR ALL!!