So, to give us all some incentive I'm setting up a leaderboard, at the end of each day, everyone who makes it to 5 a day gets one point. So whoever is consistently eating 5 (or more!) a day will be at the top. Good luck guys, get eating those fruits and veggies!! nom nom nom! 24/7/12 1st: dbparra - 2 points Joint 2nd:…
I had juice, blueberries, celery, Not enough onion or apple to count. I did not get 5
Hey guys, I thought as a fun way to find out about new fruits and vegetables we could play a game. The rules are simple: I say a fruit/vegetable, the next person has to say one that ends in the last letter of the last word, then the next person has to say one that ends in the last letter of the that word, and so on and so…
Hi guys, To kick of the group, I thought it would be a good idea for everyone to introduce themselves, explain why you joined the group , and to share your goals and aspirations.