Important stuff will go here one day.
its gone too soon will dexter serve time and get out to begin season 8? whats your take? oh and will he succeed in killing La guerta?
i saw a few spoilers today that hinted that doakes may not be dead and he is returning in these last few episode as I remember he was identified with dna and his teeth right so how can he still be alive? The actor who plays him seemed to reaqlly hint that he was still i guess time will tell.
who will kill la guerta?
matthews hannah deb dexter one or another she knows to much and someone is going to take her out my guess is actually matthews hes got more than one good reason and not to much to lose and he promised harry he would look after dex and deb. what do you think?
lewis lie
am i wrong but didnt lewis buy the hand before he came to miami metro? thus planning something on dexter before he nixed his game , and wasnt he so bold as to do everything dexter told him not to?
finally its the day wb dexter
today is the day its finally here, come back tommarrow and lets talk about it!!!!!!
Which scene is your favorite from all Seasons??
Mine has to be the scene of Miguel Prado and Dexter arguing on the roof of the station.
season 5 did deb know it was dexter?
I have been rewatching my dexter seasons. I just watched the finale of season 5 last night. In the end Deb says to dexter he can be happy now all this is over. What did deb know about to know he was unhappy to get happy now?
dex needs a
think dex needs a shave
Breaking Bad
If you like Dexter you should like this series too I Love BB as well. Couldn't choose between them now I have seen all of BB as both are great programmes. What do you guys think?
lt....morgan or LaGuerta?
Who do you think is better at running Miami Metro Homicide – Deb or LaGuerta?