Welcome to the Group
If you've joined the group, Welcome. If not, what are you waiting for?:smile: If you are here, though, feel free to introduce yourself. I am glad to see you all on here. I hope to get to know you all a little more in the future.
Contact Your Elected Officials
I have one important thing to say. Even though I still respect the office of the president (not necessarily the president himself) and I am trying to constantly pray for the right path to be taken in government, this does not mean I am done fighting for what is right and what I believe in. We, as Christians (and Americans)…
Obama - hurting the US
Has the us prospered since this worthless piece of **** took office? It's gotten worse, and continues to do so. All obama did was make this a welfare state. The worthless pieces of ****, and trailor park trash of the us has benefited most from his welfare programs. They are also the ones who got him in office. ****** obama…
Zimmerman verdict
I'm tired of hearing about this topic. The prosecution LOST ITS CASE! Zimmerman was in the right. He had the right to protect himself against this thug. The media portrays this thug as some innocent "kid". Look at the real pictures. He was trash, he was into gangs, and in a great deal of trouble at school. His own mother…
2016- Rubio, Jindal, Rand Paul, Christie, Susanna Martinez
Or anyone else, who do you like at this early date?
THE CHRISTIAN AMERICAN VOTE While I understand that churches should not endorse any candidate nor sponsor their campaigns, the Christian American should always be involved in politics and vote according to their convictions. Is this a biblically accurate statement and can your soul be at risk when ignoring our civic…
Refocusing attempt 2.0
Ok, so we admit that instead of focusing on social issues, we need to repair the structure of the country. Fix the economy, quit borrowing and spending. Quit funding a war that will NEVER END. History tells us that that part of the world will never be at peace. We need to protect our own borders against them, but get the…
I'm new here
Hello everyone! Just wanted to say I am fully republican and am devastated (as I'm sure you are too) about the loss this election. I hope to gain friends here for support, etc. Thanks!!
U.S.A. This government OWES me!!!!!!!!!!
This country has indeed become socialized. We need to stop feeding/housing these freeloaders and paying them NOT to work. We (people who work) are taxed out the wahzoo so that we can fund these non-essential cockroaches to sit on their lazy butts and do nothing. They dont' even try. No education, no job skills and no…
Only thing to do
The Threats Are Coming....
I have a friend on Facebook, who got called a racist today (for speaking her believes) and told (and I quote) "Don't let the black panthers see this! #dead". To me, that sounded like a threat. I'm so sick of all of this crap. If the black panthers want to come after all of us who aren't afraid to speak the truth... than…
Today Is The Day!!!
Get out and VOTE!!! (If you haven't already.)