Important stuff will go here one day.
Anybody still here?
Just wanted to see if anyone was still using this forum. Say hi if so! I'm getting my butt back into CICO and would love to have company.
MFP name to Forum Name
OK, FJLs, my brain being Swiss cheese (from age, a history of bizarre memory, and from dieting), I cannot remember who everyone is. I'M SO SORRY! So if you could post here with your forum name, that would be awesome. Thanks! I'm chefann on the forum, aszwarc here.
So I just realized I haven't touched MyFitnessPal (inappropriately) in forever. I got a bike this past weekend. I'm going to use it to exercise and get around town =) I also have a Fitbit One tracker thinggy on its way today, so... We'll see. I'm sick of being so out of shape >_< - Ken / GranoblasticMan
How's it going?
Just checking in with everyone. How's it going? Any particular hard times? I hit 38 lbs lost today. I don't see it much myself since I had more to lose but I did lose half an inch off my neck so that's something.
Hey Losers
You may know me by my other name-Gumdrop. Not too active on the forums, especially lately, but I'm there lurking. Watching. Waiting. Scheming. Ahem. What do you guys say we start this thing? What are you here for? How much do you want to lose? Why here? I'll start: I've heard good things about this site, and once I saw the…
4 months later...
How's everyone doing?