Important stuff will go here one day.
week 2 day 3
easier every day! i still cant do the crow push ups, so i do regular ones instead. and the table lifts, i cant get my butt up very high, but i still try. less muscle burning this morning than yesterday for sure!
week 2 day 1
not as bad as i imaged, but there are certain moves that i dont think i'm doing right, like the crow push up thing, my leg just doesnt go that far, too much fat in the way. but i'll keep trucking. anyone else still on here or am i talking to myself!
week 1 done!
woohoo, got 6 days in this week, barely feel sore, except for the shoulders. now i'm watching week 2 to see what i'm for tomorrow....yikes. that's going to be a burn for sure!
day 4
Every day gets easier! I have the next 4 days off work with my son home so really going to have to squeeze in time to get it done. I feel stronger already so don't want to stop now!
day 1
not too bad, i did everything but the side lying ab thing, i did it but not very well. and the fast feet made everything jiggle, hopefully there is less jiggly after 30 days :)
day 2
went really well! i wasn't as sore as i thought i would be. my shoulders were burning within the first couple minutes though, but better than yesterday!
day 3
definitely more sore today than yesterday, but i remember being sore a couple days into 30ds too. the side ab things are getting "easier" as in my body gets it now lol.