Katynben52 Member


  • Katynben52
    Katynben52 earned the Third Anniversary badge.
    Thank you for being in our community for three years!
    December 17
  • Katynben52
    Katynben52 earned the 500 Comments badge.
    Settled in, saw the sights, learned the lingo, and most importantly: gave back.
    October 25
  • Katynben52
    Katynben52 earned the 500 Likes badge.
    You received 500 Likes. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here.
    October 18
  • aalley5
    Hope you have a successful 5% challenge! Drop in and say hi! I am leading 2 discussions you may find fun if you don't like to chat.
    Have a great evening!
    October 16