MindfulMisfitt Member


  • MindfulMisfitt
    MindfulMisfitt earned the 25 Likes badge.
    You received 25 Likes. You're posting some good content. Great!
    May 24
  • MindfulMisfitt
    Okay, okay, I think I can get used to this. Eventually. You can even EDIT POSTS, wild! Here's a test photo of my salad and hard seltzer from last weekend....

    May 23
    • MindfulMisfitt
      Okay I guess you can't edit what you post on your own feed, but you can edit comments on other people's posts. It's a step in the right direction 😆
    • jbs116
      SO healthy! The biggest problem I see with this activity thing is that I do not know when someone posts or likes or comments unless I navigate to the friend's page. So we just have to routinely check everyone's activity feed individually? Maybe I am missing something or they will improve it. 🤷‍♂️
    • MindfulMisfitt
      Yep. That's definitely the flaw here. Some people are starting private groups though, which will have the ongoing list of posts, etc. But I don't know if we get notifications when people post in a group or what. Also I can't comment directly on your profile because it's private!
  • MindfulMisfitt
    MindfulMisfitt earned the 10 Comments badge.
    No longer a one-hit wonder! It looks like you’re going places.
    May 23
  • jbs116
    I can post an image to your activity feed? 🤣 This could be dangerous.
    May 23
    • MindfulMisfitt
      FINALLY!!! SOMETHING THEY ACTUALLY IMPROVED!! and I think you get a notification on the little bell up top when someone posts something. But as far as like a running feed, I don't see that. Maybe we can see all our friends posts somewhere? I really have explored much!