glittersno Member
glittersno earned the First Anniversary badge.Thank you for being in our community for a full year!July 16
glittersno earned the Second Anniversary badge.Thank you for being in our community for two years!July 16
glittersno earned the Third Anniversary badge.Thank you for being in our community for three years!July 16
glittersno earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.Thank you for being in our community for four years!July 16
glittersno earned the Fifth Anniversary badge.You're still here! Congratulations on your five year forum anniversary!July 16
glittersno earned the Sixth Anniversary badge.Another year has gone by, thanks for sticking with us for six years!July 16
glittersno earned the Seventh Anniversary badge.Wow! Seven years. Your community relationships have outlasted most marriages.July 16
glittersno earned the Busy Bee badge.Earned badges for 5 different things in one day (now you can say it was 6!).July 16
glittersno earned the Eighth Anniversary badge.Another year gone by, thanks for sticking with us for eight years!July 16
glittersno earned the Ninth Anniversary badge.Another year gone by, thanks for sticking with us for nine years!July 16
glittersno earned the Tenth Anniversary badge.Is there anything you don't know? MFP Lifetime Membership achieved!July 16
glittersno earned the Ancient Membership badge.Nobody remembers a time when this person wasn’t a member here.July 16
glittersno earned the Be You badge.Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place.July 16