rkerbrat Member


  • YES! It's made all the difference for me.
  • I'm not getting any exercise related calories from Fitbit to MFP. So annoying.
  • Great accomplishment!! Very inspiring - keep posting!
  • vasudhanayar - when my knees are hurting I use the rowing machine - it puts no pressure on your knees and is a great workout - burns calories and builds muscle in your arms. I have been using myfitnesspal since March along with a fitbit and it's really helping me to be mindful of what I eat and get enough exercise. I've…
  • I never liked to exercise either but I wanted to be healthier so I found someone to exercise with - it makes it a lot more fun - we alternate activities too which helps - rowing, biking, HIIT on the elliptical, walking, dancing. I also got a fitbit which motivates me to meet my daily goal - whether it's steps walked,…