msullivan1979 Member


  • I started back up a little over a year ago. I started slowly with a mix of jogging then walking and built my way up. I started with 13 min miles and only doing 1-2 miles at a time. Now I can run up to 6 miles (8-9 min miles). I got a good pair of running shoes and that helped a lot. Good luck!!
  • [quote=Personally, I don't care if you're a vegan, vegetarian, or if you live on a diet of dirt. Do what you want to do. If people want to know more about your lifestyle, they'll ask. If they get butthurt after you tell them your SOLICITED reasons, then they're the jerks. However, if you're one of the ones who goes on a…
  • this^ is what I was thinking. Perhaps they have experienced being judged by vegans for their own food choices? I personally don't care what people eat and I don't understand why someone would want to try to shame me for what I eat. That being said, when I find out someone is vegan..I still don't care either way. I sure…
  • that does look good. I usually go with chocolate peanut butter Special K Protein Snack Bar, or meal bar depending on how many calories are left at the end of the day.
  • I had an entire cheat weekend while on vacation. I didn't lose anything that first week, by the next week I lost 2 lbs. It was completely worth it. I go to concerts a lot which typically involves a lot of drinking and eating out. I will be very strict with my diet and exercise leading up to it and I enjoy my night out. I…
  • I like that and it is very true!! 1 lb at at time
  • hang in there. It took me some time to start seeing results too. 50 lbs lost so far. I work out almost every day as well. Sometimes it takes a few weeks to see the scale move and some weeks I'll lose up to 3 lbs. Just make sure you're logging correctly and keep doing what you're doing. You'll get there. Good luck!
  • I don't eat breakfast because I'm not hungry until very late morning or until lunch time. When I'm hungry in the morning I eat breakfast. Typically I am hungry for lunch within a few hours then I do a lot more snacking throughout the day. I'm not sure why but it seems to go hand and hand for me. I don't think it's bad. I'm…
  • I am the same way. I start at 3 AM with coffee only. I each lunch around noon and it is still a really small meal. I eat 75% of my daily calories after 5PM. If I start my day with breakfast (weekends usually) I will be eating all day and find it hard to stay within my daily limits. I just do extra exercise on the weekends…
  • I run every day on an empty stomach sometimes over an hour. I can't eat before a big run which is why I do my running around 6AM.
  • this is what I do. I haven't had any problems for almost a year down almost 50 lbs. I will eat roughly 75% of my daily calories between 5 and 10 PM.