I like the idea of making small changes. Weight loss can be overwhelming when trying to make many changes over a short period of time. I know that cico is important. I get that. But may be helpful to think of one thing you can change to help you achieve your goal. Master that change and then go on to the…
It takes time and I am OK with that.
Mowed the lawn and enjoyed it!
I put on shorts and went out in public.
Don't knock the mayo until you try it! Grilled Corn with mayo, rolled in queso cotilla. Sprinkle with some salt and maybe some lime or chilli powder...good eats!
I just realized that for the first time in forever...... the weight in my license is actually accurate!
Went bra shopping... Band size now 38 down from 44. Sales Representative told me that is down 6 inches. Never thought to measure there.
Diagnosed with hypothyroid. My levels were in thereputic range, but I still had symptoms. As a "you could try this and see if it makes a difference" My Dr told me I might want to elimimnate gluten for 30 days. Then to eat some gluten and see what happens. I laughed. Give up bread, are you crazy? After a few months, of not…
Laugh more!
I was just a little bit, but I ran. Have not done that in years...probably at least a decade!
My son said he is proud of me for exercising! I also bent over and realized I was not uncomfortable!
My pants are longer and draging on the ground.