KSH120 Member


  • Just finished my first week! How is everyone else doing? Seeing any results?
  • Same issue here! I do a morning bootcamp class and it says I walked for 2.0 mph... Annoying because MFP friends probably think I'm full of crap for the amount of calories it says I burned. The only thing I can guess is that I'm probably only taking enough "steps" to account for 2.0mph walking and that is why it is saying…
  • For those of you that have the vivofit - I just got one a couple of weeks ago. I love the HRM and have been wearing it during my bootcamp class in the morning. I think it is tracking my calories burned well but when it syncs to MFP it will say something like "KSH120 burned 253 calories doing 35 min of walking 2.0 slow…