ephphy Member


  • An interesting observation which isn't necessarily a reflection on the tool more my strange body, but in the last month where I've gone from a very sedentary existence (think less than 3000 steps per day) to approx 3-5 hours of heart pumping exercise a week- my observed activity level reported on the third tab has fallen…
  • I've gone from hating and staying away from any form of group exercise class, to attending about 10 in the last four weeks... and I finally got up the guts to go to a ParkRun. About to head off to my fourth class this week! I've even accepted the fact that someone photographs me exercising (hence the profile pic)
  • I'm about 45lbs down, but can't visually tell the difference myself yet, though at Easter someone who hadn't seen me for a couple of months did notice. I got on an 'old' train today (something I haven't done for a long time as they're only used during peak and being unemployed for almost a year I have no need to travel…
  • Great, so it's not just me. During the two walks I referenced before, the API was showing a max mets/min at 74. It consistently shows mets of 10 when the tracker is on the charger. See what I mean about a misleading label? I tried asking support whether to them mets = METS (as we know it), and asking why it defaults to a…
  • Thanks for trying to help. No HR, just a lowly Flex Argh. Superfluous "/" between .com and 1. Sorry, my fault. So you'd be trying https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/-/activities/calories/date/2015-02-27/1d/1min/time/05:30/05:30.json
  • Thanks, still curious to what the API reports the METS to be for you for those minutes though... I am not disputing what you're saying at all, please know that, it is in line with what I know and have learned elsewhere. I'm not trying to compare one man's running METS with another man's, my goal here is to see if what the…
  • Yes atmospheric pressure makes a difference. I had a similar instance on my old fitbit when I was outside watching field hockey in a howling gale.
  • This. I mean, I understand it all, mostly. But I'd like to see the next installment of the how to read and interpret like was done above with the macro tracking. I had SEEN those things before and been all "woe, I'll never reach 0 protein left" because my protein goals are usually quite high and I just don't have the…
  • Dropbox link still goes to a 5.06 file - is that correct?
  • How weird. Since this update I'm having trouble with the dates I wasn't before - having to do the recommended "International settings in Windows for date and numbers need to be set to US" (which has been there for ages yet I never had to do so!) Just a weird observation :)
  • Glad you're back :) I tried to help, but as I'm not a wizard like you I could only try fix the problems I also encountered.
  • @Russ8681: The weight change column is used to determine your regularity in weighing, used in the scoreboard on the first tab. It will give you an A grade if you have weighed (and had the weight change number) more than 5 times in the last 31 days - so once a week ish. If you weigh on average less than once a week if will…
  • I'm a fair bit heavier than you, and a smidge shorter. I started late September and have yet to reach 20lbs lost. Main reason for this? I'm not working my butt off with absurd (to me) amounts of exercise, and I haven't cut out all the mess that @jdb3388 refers to because I want this to be sustainable for life. I don't want…
  • Try the links on this page New MFP Data Export Tool - MAJOR UPDATE
  • With the wrong year error, try this quick fix (it worked for me, and also cleared up the wrong logging error that @ckt873 brought up that I was experiencing). * With the spreadsheet open, go to Visual Basic (Alt+F11, or under the developer tab, hit the button for Visual Basic). * If it doesn't start you there, open the…
  • That seems to be linked with what @ckt873 mentions above. I'm consistently getting the same 'error', but haven't had the time to look closely at it yet.
  • Hi tsawrie, sorry for the delay in the reply, I forgot to check the thread! Probably the easiest way to do it is as follows: In P7 (weight change since a week ago), which should have the formula=IFERROR(ROUND(IF(ignoretoday=TRUE,Weight!B34-Weight!B41,Weight!B33-Weight!B40),2),"")& " " & units Edit it to remove everything…
  • The formulas in P14 and S14 on the Weight and TDEE graphs tab need a tweak. They're trying to call from cells that have text, without trimming the text out (P7 and P8 respectively). I noticed it when it didn't give me expected goal dates because it said I had no loss when the table above clearly showed loss! When I tweaked…
  • I'm firmly in the pick one and try it and monitor it camp. In my monitoring to determine a workable calorie goal, I track 11 different formulas such as the Harris Benedict and Mifflin St Jeor (some take into account lean mass and some don't). The BMR figures for me today range from 1109 to 2239, on all these published…