Ariennalee Member


  • These are not very accurate, either of them. It's unfortunate but your best bet is to assume they're high and only eat back part of those calories and then compare your weight change over several weeks based on your most accurate tracking. If you find your weight isn't changing as fast or as is changing much faster than…
  • Pre-pandemic, I generally skipped breakfast and ate a mid morning snack then I ate a large lunch with an aim to have my major meal digested before I got to roller derby practice. Derby was two hours of exercise and afterward the goal was a small meal. More often than not, I went home from derby and ate EVERYTHING. xD Since…
  • I've been at a small deficit with an eye towards increasing my skating speed. Now that you mention it :) I can plan to maintain for a couple weeks but I definitely want to avoid the whole... I got injured and gained 20 lbs because I kept eating like an athlete thing
  • Oh well done! Just got down to 57 myself :)
  • I use a TomTom fitness watch - they're discontinued so they're cheap on ebay. The watch keeps track of my heart rate while I'm doing something and awards me points for the work out, based on my heart rate during it. It also awards me fewer points for doing the same exercise over and over again. So as I increase my fitness,…