Doyamn Member


  • O_o WHAT??? what the heck does that even meaaaan? LOL
  • yaaaaa....that just goes along with the males that are tit watching so....checkmate ;-)
  • I get flirted with but I am a receptionist to I encounter all kinds of people. Drivers, salesmen, delivery men. Bound to be someone who is attracted LOL issue is I am rarely attracted to them and I feel bad saying no and dropping it like it's hot to whatever their trying to throw. in regular public....NOPE....not one…
  • IDK what your face looks like but if it's anything like the pic on your profile .....either you're slow and missing it or.....we need to see your face to assess the situation. NO disrespect, seriously.
  • how do you not?? you seem to look cute in your pic. perhaps females in your area are blind ;-)
  • =( that's A LOT to take on. I have 2 jobs and help everyone when I can. Babysitting, party planning, squeezing in a hour for yoga at the gym, Try to get in an AWESOME long nap and a power meal (lean meat, a good carb, salad and an indulgent dessert) and maybe take some Vitamin D I took supplements (over the next week+) I…
  • "I know what I'm supposed to do, but for some reason I still feel lost" not all who wander all lost. even if you feel lost you might just be a smidge ---- displaced. keep going. maybe not full force but even a step or two off the couch / xbox / ps3 / in front of the tv is a step or two more than you were before. if all of…
  • giiiirl! step out your comfort zone and consider moving on. everyone deserves love and affection regardless of weight!
  • I have those sugar cravings too Krystal. You might want to look into emotional eating and sugar detox. that is what I have been doing. I am FOR SURE an emotional eater. I've read that eating comfort foods (the sugary stuff) has similar effects on the brain as coke or Heroin. So you're going to crave more. I have been…