me: 20 b:0 dbf:121
me:21 b:0 dbf:91
me:12 b:0 dbf: 82 well I really think that I finally beat the binge monster, yes I have days (especially evening) when my head is telling eat eat until you are as full as your stomach can, but I succeed not to this, yes I eat too much sometimes but I don't binge since I stop when I decide. so I want just to say YOU ALL CAN…
me:11 b:0 dbf:81 @KnitOrMiss it was, thanks!
me:4 b:0 Dbf:80 So much anger today but succeed to not bingeing...
me:5 B:0 DBF:76
me:3 b:0 DBF: 74
me:31 B:0 dbf:71
me;28 b:0 dbf:68 ate too much chocolate yesterday but I did this every it's not a binge
"brain over binge" help me a lot, I read this many times, I truly understand what you feel , hope you'll find a way to fight the monster
me:22 b:0 dbf:62!!!!
me:21 b:0 Dbf:61
me:17 B:0 DBF:57
M:13 B:0 DBF:53
thanks! me:11 b:0 dbf:51
me:9 b:0 dbf:49
me:6 b:0 dbf:46
me: 3 b:0 dbf: 43
me:2 b:0 dbf:42
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Me:24 B:0 DBF:35
Me:23 b:0 dbf:34
me:22 b:0 dbf:33
me:21 b:0 dbf:32
me:20 b:0 dbf:31
Me:19 b:0 dbf:30 good job @Pudding1980 !
me:18 b:0 dbf:31
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