

  • i think i get it but still pretty lost on it... i have 0 education on any of this and i can read up on it but i am also in a super tight budget and dont know how much more i can afford grocery wise, eating less might be the only option i have because really i can hardly afford groceries lately... and with my job i def do…
  • yeah think i'll just follow youtube videos randomly so that i can figure things out... technical bits i'll never get...
  • see the only problem with the article is that i have absolutely no clue what it is talking about as i am completely uneducated about working out. i dont understand what you mean by caloric deficit, so i was just asking for a completely basic suggestion of "do 20 jumping jacks and 10 push ups" or something like that because…
  • my goal weight is 145 which is what i was at in my picture, that was me when i was 16, currently i am 190 and i set my next big goal point at 170, then i'll work on getting down to 145. at that weight its safe to say id probably have lost alot of stomach but its just depressing knowing the one thing im working for wont…
  • thanks guys! and i can barely do 20 sec plank, i haven't been working out long or consistently except for the walking bit. But i walked 8.3 miles yesterday and i feel fine today so somethings working!
  • I also do a slimfast or atkins (way less carbs) shake, whatever you buy, and mix in 2 shots of espresso. Ive done this with the walmart brand Equate Weight Loss shakes in milk chocolate (copy of slimfast milk chocolate), and ive done it with the french vanilla Atkins shakes. I also found Caramel Extract in the baking isle…
  • thats the thing though, i know nothing of fitness, i just had a friend tell me what thats what she does so i tried it, but i dont actually know what im doing. Any suggestion for specific exercises, sets and reps? she suggested i start with like 10 of each squats lunges crunches and sit ups, with a 20 sec plank. I feel like…