

  • I run with my Aussie and one Saturday some lady started screaming about 25 feet from me to *keep my pitbull away from her.* My big fluffy Australian Shepherd on a leash was cowering as she started waving a stick at us. I told her if she did not stop waving the stick at us I was going to take it from her. She kept…
  • I am on the final week of C25K and I am amazed I can run 25 minutes straight! It is mostly mental versus physical I find. I actually enjoy my run days and plan 2 move up to the 10K one next.
  • It gets better I promise. I am on W7D1 and just ran 20 minutes straight which is about 18 minutes more than I ever thought I would do LOL. I am 47 and until a year ago was 100 pounds overweight - I am now down to the last 10. I read some of the post here with people running 10 minute miles and laugh. I am thrilled with my…