qyy920 Member


  • Thanks mate. I think you still misunderstand me. Lets use the oatmeal as example. I scanned the barcode, found exactly the same brand and type of oatmeal on the database. All the calories, carbs, protein, fat on the MFP database of this food is same as what it says on the package nutrition fact. So it comes to the portion.…
  • thank you. It's not I have problem seeing myself but its just the last bit of fat irritates me. I decided to cut that off, before I start gaining more muscle. I have made my mind but just want some advice on the issue I have right now. :P
  • Thanks for your reply, I see what you mean. First of all I do weigh everything go into my mouth. I scale every single thing, even vinegar added into salad, before eating them. The only time I don't include weight of food in my log, e.g. half cup of oatmeal, is because the half cup serving on MFP database is exactly same as…
  • I got around 2700 cals calculated on both webpages. Looks like 1630 is too low. I'll try to increase my daily intake to 2000 first to see
  • Thank you for a very detailed reply :D 1630 is the number MFP set for me after I entered all my details. Not sure if its too low but I'm not feeling starving much. I do eat back what I burn. I have gone through the wrong way before and now only deciding to take things slowly. Regarding the logging things such as the…
  • 1630 is the target MFP set for me, it seems okay considering my current weight. I got 9% fat and much of them are on my tummy, shame to say. I'm in Australia and summer is coming, you know... :p
  • Thank you so much Chris. I wasn't expecting the first reply to be so useful!!!
  • you should eat them back. MFP helps you to keep your daily NET Calorie intake at a level. If you decided to have 2400cals per day then you can: -eat 2400 cals and do nothing -eat 3000 cals and burn 600 -eat 3400 cals and burn 1000 etc.
  • Anyone had similar experience?