bioklutz Member


  • I made this today: I didn't add frosting - I don't have any gin. It had a really nice flavor - perfect summer cake. I would make it again!
  • This is the entry I use: Almost all the pickles I have seen in the grocery store have 0 calories listed per serving. I am defiantly eating several servings worth! If you are interested:…
  • Frog legs - did not like Young Jackfruit - I had it as a veggie bbq. It was pretty tasty. Turtle - liked Ostrich - liked Alligator tail - meh, it was OK Lychee - love! I am not sure if that qualifies as an oddity but I don't see it very often. Not that odd but I recently tried persimmon for the first time. OMG - why have I…
  • Looking pretty good for being fluffy @Gallowmere1984!
  • I am definitely not low carb. Most of my cutting calories come from fat. I am averaging 210-240 carbs. This is actually pretty close to what i normally eat. If I was cutting more aggressively my carbs would take a hit. I have have been having 1-2 higher calorie days a week. Of course the majority of the increase has been…
  • Your back looks amazing @pinggolfer96! @Alexson50 - I am running the same program. I am supposed to do sets of 8. I am not making it through to 8 on some of my lifts - but no big deal. I wanted to maintain 108-110 pounds and was hoping to get to 109 and start reversing to maintenance. About a week and a half ago I was…
  • You could always keep a small container of 2% in a cooler and take it with you. :wink:
  • I usually estimate restaurant pho around 800 calories. So tasty!
  • Hahaha! True, just a little concerned that there is a little stalking like quality to some of these comments.
  • Is anyone else a little creeped out by the turn this has taken?
  • Hah! I had a real refeed last Sunday & Monday. I am trying very hard to not have a fake one today! :blush: I am going for high carbs today though - still under maintenance calories. I just had 450 calories of mashed potatoes and half a pound of broccoli for dinner. Lots of cheerios for a snack later... Hopefully tomorrows…
  • OMG! Thank you for posting this. I tried it this morning and things felt a little lighter! I am going to have to work on this some more! :)
  • Make your own! I have one of these and I can't wait to try it out: Only so much will fit in there and it will have to freeze overnight again before you can use it.
    in Ice cream Comment by bioklutz May 2018
  • Oh! Nice shoulder and bicep development :)
  • Another balsamic vinegar lover! This has been a favorite:
  • I love cucumber so much! 410 grams of cucumber, some spicy egg whites and a shredded chicken sandwich. 450 calories!
  • Do you tend to drop weight from your stomach quickly? Digging the abs! @sardelsa & @Davidsdottir I am sure that you are being overly critical of your bodies! I don't remember seeing pictures of you Davidsdottir but from your tiny little profile pictures it looks like you have nice shoulders! I have seen your progress pics…
  • I go straight to cutting. I like to take advantage of the full to the brim feeling. I usually cut pretty aggressively for about a week and then switch to a less aggressive cut. Whatever is easiest for you would be the best approach!
  • I do a little prepping - but it is mostly so that making food is easier. Once a week I throw some chicken breasts in the crock pot with a little salt and pepper and water. When it is done cooking I shred and freeze it into 100 & 200 calorie portions. I add the 100 calorie portions to soups, pasta, or whatever needs a…
  • Holding steady! Hey water weight drops mean things are headed in the right direction! That means fat loss is coming next! Be happy about that! :smile:
  • From the USDA:
  • So this is more of a vent - I just need to work on where my head is at and I know that. It has been a bit of a rough week. I have never before been that bothered by scale fluctuations. I have weighed myself daily for years and know what happens to my weight. Mid cycle and right before my period I have a scale increase.…
  • I wish I could do that! The few times where I wasn't hungry and went to bed w/o eating up to my calorie goal I woke up a few hours later STARVING! It seems I have to eat a certain number of calories during the day in order to get a full nights sleep. :)
  • I am cutting. I am really starting to feel burned out though. I increased my calories a little and am hoping it will help. This article just showed up in my e-mail and I thought it was pretty interesting. If the increase in calories doesn't do it for me I may try something similar - maybe 3 weeks of cutting, 1 week of…
  • Have you tried them frozen!?
  • Ha! I also had about 300 calories of popcorn tonight! I um need to carb up for tomorrows workout :wink:
  • It is my favorite time of the year for volume eating! Strawberries are back in season! Today I had strawberries with a balsamic vinegar reduction. So yummy!
  • DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMNNNNNN! @RoxieDawn you look amazing! :smiley:
  • It probably isn't that odd but I will do Zercher Squats instead of Front Squats.
  • At the moment I think the peanut butter one is best - but I think it could be because it is new! I tend to flip flop on the cookie dough and brownie - for which one I like better. I have tried the pure protein bars before and while I liked the taste - they gave me a tummy ache. :(