liquoricecat Member


  • I changed the scale to the athletic mode and I'm now getting a reading of 27% which isn't great but I'll take it over 30. Thanks all! x
  • Thank you all for your helpful responses. I think I know that my best course of action is to ignore for now. I was a little shocked by my weight when I first stepped on the Aria - over new year I have indulged slightly but but less than a week ago when I measured myself on my old scales, I was 130 lbs. On the Aria I was…
  • By 'skinny fat' I meant more that I realise it's possible to have a healthy BMI with a high body fat percentage. Maybe not exactly the right terminology. Thanks though. I think I'll take the reading with a pinch of salt next time.
  • Thanks Phrick. I suspected this but also don't want to kid myself. I will weigh again tomorrow morning when hopefully I won't be so water retentiony.
  • It might not be the sort of advice you're looking for but (if you haven't already) I'd really recommend reading 'The Beauty Myth' by Naomi Wolf. It may not be for you but I have to say that it really helped me with my body dysmorphia and borderline eating disorder behaviour. I still have days where I hate the way I look…
  • The realisation that I'm never going to 'escape my shape' (big hips with very little definition between waist and hips - even when I'm at my skinniest!) Sometimes the idea that I'm never going to have the small-waisted hourglass figure I envisage makes me question the point of what I'm doing. But hey, it's better that the…
  • And I've experienced sarcasm over 250 times so I know it when I see it. All I wanted to know is whether it regulates in the end or whether it's a sign that I should be upping my calories a little more (to be fair I didn't put that in the original post so maybe I deserve a sarcastic response...)
  • Thanks, ninerbuff. That's a really useful post - made me realise I need to up the water intake. I'm also in the habit of going over my sodium allowance for the day, so that's another thing I'll look at reducing. I definitely haven't been ingesting anything close to 3,500 calories a day so just got to keep telling myself…
  • I'm 26, 5 ft 8 and 134 lbs - aiming for between 128-130 lbs. Support from people in this sort of situation would be great. Sometimes I feel bad for being down about my weight because I know there are so many people with a lot more to lose but those extra few pounds are tough to shift. Anyone feel free to add me. xx
  • pleasepleaseno - I will add you. Been a little hesitant to add friends because then everyone will know I ate a Kinder egg for breakfast (it was on my bedside table! I don't have THAT much discipline.) x
  • I did try and take measurements for a while and perhaps I should continue with that. It's just that I have annoyingly big hips so it gets a bit demoralising! I tend to lose from my limbs and face but still have that podge around the stomach area - which is why I should probably take heed of all the strength training…
  • Thank you all so much for your advice. I'm definitely going to give resistance training a go - might even invest in some weights! Also, I'm currently using an aerobics DVD that is at least ten years old, so I'm going to take your advice, Schtroumpfkin, and give the Jillian Michaels one a go. Lu x
  • Thanks for advice re: the strength training. Looking into exercises now. My exercise at the moment involves at least 30 minutes or more of (fast to mid-paced) walking a day and then 20-30 minutes aerobics. I think I do need to get away from the scale weight thing but it's so easy to see that as a mark of my achievement so…