pamtam1 Member


  • Lemon. I cut a lemon in half and squeeze it will a little warm water and I drink that every night and every morning and it knocks out muscle soreness. better than advil
  • I love the Skogg's series. I started with the Skogg System and it is so much easier than the Phase 1 and 2 DVD but I love the way he teaches. I am on week 8 of the system and the body definition is amazing. I have a long way to go but you will get cardio and weight lifting in at the same time. Love it.
  • I had just paid for another program and was in week two and had not changed. It hit me that It was all up to me. I was the only one that could do the work. No one else was feeling my emotional pain just me, so unless I did the work nothing would change.