carbos101 Member


  • Tried it all -- podiatrist, insoles/inserts, special (ugly) shoes, physical therapy -- exercises are brutal but great -- the best thing I spent money on other than PT was a pair of Mesphito sandals (Nordstroms and they resemble Birkenstocks but much better) and they saved me. Once I started wearing them (living in them) my…
  • Esther's day of rest sounds good, too. Faith probably a contributing factor unless it's one of the toxic, dangerous, ones.
  • zj3 -- sounds like a beautiful, family, day. I do think some religions are beneficial to health and it can't hurt to slow down and appreciate life. There are so many nutritional/eating plans it's confusing. Clearly, some well-founded evidence to help us today. I try to eat healthy but must OD on carbos/starches - can't…
  • I'm confused -- did read if SDAs prefer to eat meat it's kosher w/no pork or shellfish (is this a new concept from the hardliner SDA?) and the SDA men (possibly old data?) outlive the Okinawa men but the Okinawan women about the same as SDA men. The Loma Linda community (so cal) was #1 for world longevity few yrs. ago and…
  • Thank you, lemurcat2, for the informative post. Pulses - need to check into but assumed those were lentils. I use to cook dry beans the old fashioned way but time to figure out the pressure type method since I'm without working stove cooktop and oven and house under re-construction. I need to learn to prepare some of the…
  • zeejane03 - just spotted your reply - thanks, I appreciate. Interesting re/SDA's -- I just read somewhere that the SDAs who eat no meat/no fish outlive the other Blue Zones. I'll try to find and list the source. They also eat dairy and eggs.
  • Thank you, AnnPT77, for the link -- can't wait to check out.
  • Ya'll sound like gourmets compared to me - what's the healthiest, easiest, way to eat other than raw or frozen veggies, nuts, canned lentils, beans (can't stand canned foods but need to get over it), wholegrain cereals, the healthy Irish/Scottish oats (not the easiest to make), and the Trader Joe's frozen oatmeal is all…
  • I say you're right! Love your comment/LOL! I'd still count calories -- which hasn't been the easiest thing in my life but I'm improving. Math is quite a science thus calorie counting is clearly more accurate.
  • WW's Freestyle reminds me of the previous 'Simply Filling' plan that was beloved by many seasoned, successful, slim, WWs - or so I was told -- but did know of 2 slim members. The list looked very healthy - low fat/low sugar with (I think) a specified amount of points allowed per week for foods not listed. I liked it but…
  • Great post and thank you, quiksylver, for taking time to highlight sarah's link re/food scale. I'm lost re/calories to add in once I'm working out, walking, etc., but will at least start using scale.
  • I like the idea of having the extra points on WW in case I'm running a little short. It helps me mentally so I'll have to mentally think I have fewer calories on mfp to sync in my brain. I don't think free fruit is a good idea for me but need to flip from fruit to eating more free vegetables. Not too good in that arena.…
  • I'm trying to figure out which is best, also. I actually had WW points left over today and had blown through my mfp calories. Think I ate too much fruit and because 'free' on WW that made the difference. I was starving and had to eat over my calorie amount! Maybe after awhile my body will adjust to the calories. I think…
  • Anyone doing Smart Points kind of? I'll read around the board and see what I find. Thanks.
  • Why have my calories increased after I switched my activity to 'sedentary' and then back to 'lightly active'? I now have about 200 more calories/day and only down couple of lbs. My apple watch is connected and maybe it automatically considers steps per day - strange. Some days I get lots of steps and others -- not so much.
  • I'm hypoglycemic and it's severe if I don't eat enough food or not enough carbohydrates. Too much protein sends me into the abyss. I've tried everything -- would give anything if I could follow a high protein diet but need sugars. I try to eat healthy carbos but I really appreciate midwestern's info re/eating the fast…