Really lovely smile!
Best: Eyes Worst: Because of the angle you appear to have no ears (that's the best I could come up with haha!)
Get a job as Victoria Beckham's stunt double.
I must confess that the person above has excellent taste in headwear. I too am a fellow beanie wearer.
It's my favourite time of the year. I went as Donnie Darko last time because it's m favourite film. This year I want to have a go with face/body paint and either do an android or haunted porcelain doll.
Not so far! HYE sent a text message drunk and regretted it?
Fill up on lean protein such as turkey or chicken. It's filling, tastes good and the protein will work with resistance training.
I'd look into paleo meals. A lot of them have dairy free, gluten free alternatives.
I've cut out white bread altogether pretty much and I don't miss it at all. If I feel in a breadish mood I'll go for brown instead.
I'd recommend skipping. Skipping ropes are cheap, you can do it at home and they're great for cardio. If you're American I think the equivalent term is jump rope?