

  • Can you not mention names on here? (I'm new) I'd be interested to know what it is :\
  • MSeel- that's really cool! I think that the Pole would be amazing but I don't really have access to that- I don't think?! I'll have to look it up! The fact that you can though is really cool :smile:
  • Hey! I'm in college, 22 years old and would like to get some friends! I'm brand new here so it'd be really cool. We could all share easy-to-make health recipes for when scary tests are abound and stress-relieving exercises when there are finals.
  • Anorexia isn't a choice, it is a mental illness that is recognized by health professionals. Whether you are religious or not, whether your father believes it or not, anorexia is not your fault. It is a very valid disorder that needs to be evaluated and treated by health care professionals. Do not blame yourself, do not let…
  • I'm on a 1,200 calorie plan too! Looking to loose around 15-30 pounds!