Chad_78 Member


  • MFP is no longer importing Apple Health workouts since the last update. This is incredibly annoying because it will not count the calories burned towards my daily calorie intake goals; I didn't notice it at first and got caught eating way less than I was supposed to and was getting dizzy. When I try to manually add the…
  • Just to add; I've sent multiple customer support requests (apparently they are supposed to be prioritized if you have a premium membership like I do, however they have not even been responded to to date), uninstalled/reinstalled app, double checked app sharing permissions, etc. None of the suggested actions have fixed the…
  • Same here. I have sent multiple emails to MyFitnessPal reporting the issue over the past week, and have yet to hear a response (so much for the accelerated customer support advertised for premium members). Also have a thread open here. I'm surprised that MyFitnessPal has not at least acknowledged this huge bug yet, let…
  • Same. What makes it worse is that MFP's workout interface is so terrible. I lift weights, but in order to count workout calories burned via Apple Health I have to select "cardio" on MFP instead of "strength" under workouts, and manually enter the calories form my Apple Health app. I don't know why I am paying $79 a year…
  • Same issue; annoying and messing up caloric intake calculation.