zonkiethegreat Member


  • SAME HERE. I used to hate exercising, but then on June 11, 2015 I joined Orange Theory and even though I haven't lost weight, I feel 10X better after each workout. So I've been more active physically then I have ever been in my entire life. The problem is that I also weigh more than I ever have. :( Between Fitbit,…
  • The other thing I've noticed is that I seem to gain all my weight around my face and neck, it's driving me nuts. If you saw me, you wouldn't think I weighed 220 lbs.
  • When I go out to eat, if it's a restaurant with nutrition info I go by that and log it. If it's a place that doesn't have nutrition info, I then have to guesstimate based on comparable restaurants that do have nutrition info OR I break down the food I ate into MFP. As for alcohol I don't drink, like very very rarely, maybe…
  • I live in Miami, so most of the restaurants are Latin (Cuban, Argentinian, Honduran, Venezuelan). Most offer LCHF friendly food, but I agree it's tough to know what they put in the food when they cook it.
  • This section is very helpful :smile: I think I'm going to try LCHF, because honestly I can't quit my job. I love my job, I love travel, and I love living in a nice apartment, so I can't just quit my job lol. I also do need to be careful because I don't want to become diabetic in the future. For those recommending LCHF, is…
  • I have one, and I use it when I cook at home. Although to be totally honest, I don't cook a lot because of my business I travel a lot and often have to eat out for business dinners, and lunches.
  • I log it all, and I'm careful with sugary fruits like mangoes or bananas. I also don't drink any soda, not even diet. When I crave carbonated drinks I have La Croix Lime carbonated water. I can't weigh food when I go out to eat, so that I have to eyeball unfortunately.
  • Wow, glad you figured it out, and are doing better.
  • I'm being honest here, I have no reason to lie about the numbers. If you don't believe me that's fine, but I'm telling you all that at the very very most on a bad day, I will eat 2,000 calories, and that's a bad day. So either my body has acclimated to eating very little, and therefore gains from anything over a certain…
  • I weigh all food that I cook, and when I eat out I have to eyeball it or take note of the chain I'm eating at. Honestly, a cheat day for me is in the 1800-2000 range. I also do not overestimate my calorie burn, that is for SURE. At Orange Theory we use heart rate monitors and even though they say I burn 416 calories in 45…
  • Hey Sam! :) Thank you! I'm super excited about the wedding! :) I've been diagnosed for about 3 years or so. It's not an official diagnosis, but doctors have it in my chart as a "question mark" because I have a lot of the symptoms. I think I have it fairly mild, but it's been a total headache to lose weight. I've been…
  • Lizzie has metformin and spiro really helped you with weight loss? Just curious, because I'm at my wits end. :/
  • I've always had a yo-yo problem too. I've had times in my life where I would lose weight very fast, but then regain it quickly within a few months. I think that has greatly affected my metabolism and health. I'm currently enrolled and attending about 4 times a week a gym called "Orange Theory". It's an HIIT one hour…
  • Hi Sam! I think you and I have shared the same experiences, I also lost a lot weight (about 20-25 lbs) when I was in 8th grade, with help form a nutritionist. AND I'm also getting married next April!!! April 17th to be exact! :) I gained 30 pounds in one year and am now the heaviest I've ever been, and I don't even eat…