I couldn't resist buying girl scout cookies, but I haven't eaten even one cookie. I purchased 12 boxes and took them all to my local food bank. It allowed me to support two good organizations and I felt good without consuming any calories. Win-Win!!!
I have one if I am on the road and any other options sound worse. I really prefer to make my own at home and have them pretty often, even for lunch sometimes.
I make honey mustard with 2 tablespoons yellow mustard, 2 tablespoons greek yogurt, 1/2 tablespoon honey, a little black pepper/garlic powder/onion powder. It tastes good on grilled chicken sandwich instead of mayo.
Very frustrated today. I try to plan for the week and enter or tweak my recipes. Please fix it ASAP!
I had the roux&y gastric bypass in 2002. I weighed 250 pounds. I had no complications or problems. I lost 98 pounds total. I maintained that for 5 years. Over time, I was able to eat more and sugar and fat didn't give me any problems. By 2013 I was back up to 208 pounds. I am now losing weight slowly with diet and…