robertgranholm Member


  • i get it, no system is perfect and it’s a complex thing, it’s not even just what your weight has done but your body comp, i’ve only lost a few pounds in weight but i’ve gained about 7 in lean muscle mass according my scale, aura band and methreesixty scans
  • Ok so my maintenance is then closer to 3-3500 1750 basal + apple watch says i’m on a 6 month average of burning 1300 daily in my move ring which accounts for just moving around in my day and tracked workouts so i think that accounts for my NEAT
  • Hmm maybe i am confused in my numbers, in the goal section, i have goal weight set to 160, weekly goal lose 2lbs per week, and activity level set to active, but i haven't paid much attention to those in a while...i just made sure my "goal" calories that show up everyday on the left are around 1750, so i know if i end the…
  • Thanks for the responses! My basal is 1750 is that the same as my "maintenance"? I do fine energy wise for 3-5 days at a 1500 deficit @tomcustombuilder while hitting 200+ protein, similar to @springlering62 a majority of the deficit is the cals racked up by walking and low impact along with lifting, tracked workouts, I am…