sk0524 Member


  • I was looking into that as well. I gained when I ate plan is to change what I fill up on..ex. to eat larger salads
  • I just started myself and yes trying to get the moves down was not as easy as I thought but I was sweating like crazy by the end of the DVD. I was thinking of adding another workout in the morning like straight cardio once I get used to T25 Good luck with your workouts!
    in T25 Comment by sk0524 October 2014
  • Congratulations!!!!!!! No I was not following the meal plan or using Shakeology. Once I used the sample I didn't order anymore. I take it it's worth the money???
    in T25 Comment by sk0524 October 2014
  • Great! Week 4!!! I'm on day 2 and Tanya has been my saving grace!!!! I've never heard of Piyo, I'll have to check that one out as well.
    in T25 Comment by sk0524 October 2014
  • This is so encouraging!!!!! Right now I am barely getting through the workouts...I rely on Tanya LOL Thanks for sharing your results!
    in T25 Comment by sk0524 October 2014
  • Hello Delgadodelgado1120, I am starting T25 today too! I'm new to MFP & need motivation and accountability. I'll add a before picture soon. Age- 34 Height- 5'5 Weight- 180 Goal Weight- 150 Biggest Obstacle- Being consistent