

  • Yeah I'd say your doctor is your best bet. Yoga is probably a better alternative that doing a bunch of weight lifting. You will have to avoid certain positions but find the right instructor and they can teach you some safe prenatal yoga moves. That would build/maintain your muscle strength but also not overexert your body.…
  • Look at what you are eating. If there's any added sugar, like in coffee drinks, teas, sugary drinks, etc. Cut those out right now. Even better cut out all fruit. If that's too hard, ease out with berries and apples, limit one serving a day. And freaking stuff green leafy vegetables anywhere you can into your day, salads,…
  • I need and want to do this. I've been trying to lose the last 20 pounds for forever (been stuck for forever after losing about 45-50) for the last year and a half after starting my weight loss journey in late 2010. Then again I also started running on road, trails, and trained and ran a few half marathons and my first full…