caconnor1 Member


  • Great pep talk! This is also how success on MFP works for me -- just keep logging and reflecting. Thanks for sharing!
  • Going for a short walk Talking to a friend on the phone Journaling Coloring in my "adult" coloring book :smile:
  • I am excited to wear cuter clothes!! Like little shorts and more heels :)
  • Trader joes carries pre-cooked Steele cut oats in individual packages. You can take to work, microwave and have steel cut oats! Low in fat, high in fiber to keep you full till lunch. I often add blueberries or strawberries
  • Filling up on protein really helps beat the sweet tooth. Eat turkey, chicken breast, seafood and other lean proteins for a snack and/or dinner. Not only will it ease the sweets cravings (pretty soon you won't even want them as much!) but it helps build lean muscle mass.
  • Just a suggestion, coming from someone who just stopped binge eating on sweet/salty junk 2 weeks ago. Log everything you eat and make your diary public to all your MFP friends (get more if you don't have many). You are obviously open about your binging, which is positive, so try tracking it. That is the first place to…
  • Unfortunately there's not much room for alcohol when you're losing weight... And there is no room for it if you are getting off those last several pounds. I only allow myself one drink (5oz glass of wine, beer or cocktail) if I have worked out vigorously that day.
  • Thanks, BZAH10! I agree, the all or nothing mentality is not helpful and I need to ditch that way of thinking. Logging everything regardless of over eating is a great way to stay on track, continue logging and realize that overeating one night does not mean giving up. The goal is to get back on track ASAP after a slip up…
  • Thank you for your insights, everyone. Getting fit really does take commitment and I think I put it on the back burner too easily. I like the suggestions of keeping a list handy of why I want to lose 30 lbs, forgiving how I have done things in the past and pre-logging planned meals. I stuck a reminder note on my door to…