stardust6060 Member


  • I know what you mean. When I quit smoking I was able to not have them around to tempt me but we have to eat! I have two daughters at home and all they want is sandwiches and pasta. MY WORST!! But I found doing workout videos help and now what the weather is cooler I get out of the house and away for the kitchen. It helps.…
  • There will always be others who judge us. Some we know and love, and others we don't. Like others have said before me, no one cares about your weight like you do. My daughter even told me she was tired of hearing how much I've lost. I hurts when you put so much effort into being a better you and no one really cares but…
  • You can do it! I've done it and I'm 60 and have a full time job. My Fitness Pal helped a LOT! But I had to get up off the couch! Get a pedometer to show you how good you are doing. Positive feed back helped me too. Set little mini goals, 10 more steps today or 1 lb this week. Log in every day and watch the food you eat.…
  • I've been where you are and I let them get the best of me. I gained my weight back (50#) and I hated myself and them for it. That was 10 years ago and here I am again. You have to dig deep in yourself. Find that you inside you are looking for and hold on to them. It looks like you have lots of friend here to help you along…