MsNikiDrops Member


  • Feel free to add me! I started at 310 around mid June & I am currently 289. I love to give and receive support & motivation. It think this journey is a little more challenging for those of us with more to lose but we can do this!! No doubt! :)
  • Congratulations!! That is awesome. I am brand spanking new at this and will be starting the first day of week 1 when I get home from work this evening. My main form of exercise right now is walking and Zumba but I want to add running to that. Not necessarily for speed or anything like that, I just want to be able to run a…
  • Feel free to add me! I have been on and off as well. I am vowing to stick to it this time. I need to lose 100+ pounds and have some ways to go as well. I could also use the motivation! ;)