Cassie_DE Member


  • Congratulations! I do want to warn you that you may find your weight loss slows down after the initial big 'rush' of water weight loss, as explained in this MFP article: Plateaus are also common, and may simply be…
  • Don't go back to something that wasn't good enough for either your ex or yourself. If you're still not sure, consult your family and close friends.
  • Managing to grab hold of the reigns to stop yourself from consuming a food you would have mindlessly eaten and then regretted? You oughtta be hella proud! I've certainly done that!
  • You've got a tough challenge ahead in maintenance and changing body comp, but if you could lose the weight then you can definitely do this! Their concern is coming from a good place (though envy may play a bit of a part), and though I can't make any judgments or estimations based on your photo, you may seem slimmer than…
  • That's definitely a question to take to your doctor! You will probably lose more weight than you would normally expect because it's a big drain on your energy, so you'll need to make sure you're taking in enough nutrition (not just calories, but iron, calcium, etc.) for both yourself and your baby. Your doctor is the best…
  • I think it's likely, but as an adult you've taken measures to educate yourself and change, which is exactly the right thing to do. We often learn bad habits from our parents, but the blame for continuing, even out of ignorance, rests on our own shoulders.
  • Folks who are telling you that your anger isn't justified or that it's just you getting worked up over nothing are missing the big, glaring point: that you were underestimated because you were a woman. The jerk stereotyped you and immediately assumed that you were ignorant about training, and assuming you were incompetent…
  • That is SO much progress, I got chills seeing your profile picture!
  • You look absolutely fab! I'm glad you've find a healthy way of life, for both your mind and body. Keep kicking butt!
  • I lost a little over 40 lbs this year -I'd like to lose at least that much next year. Maybe with exercise I can hit my goal weight!
  • I started with a smaller deficit and worked on making eating better a habit so it wasn't as hard to cut down. I'm still a bit shaky on eating below my current, smaller limit, but rarely so much as to ever break even or gain weight. Maybe try something like this?
  • If you have a conveniently place freckle, scar, or tattoo you can orient yourself. If not, maybe Nicole's method of taking a photo would work. For certain places like the waist you could measure over the belly button, or for the calf somewhere like 3 inches below the knee. While you've got the measuring tape in hand, women…
  • Hey there! I'm looking for more friends who are similar to me so as to better compare and share stretegies, and just congratulate each other in our progress. I'm a short woman in my twenties with 60lbs to lose, and I am in Eastern Time Canada and the US. If you're similar and committed send me a friend request!
  • Maybe try vegan protein shakes? The best one I know of is "Progressive VegEssential all in One". It's flavoured with Stevia leaf instead of sugar, but does have 8grams of glucides/carbs and 180 calories I also have "Genuine Health Vegan Proteins+" which has 110 calories per serving and 3 grams of glucides/carbs, and is…
  • I'm no expert on this stuff, but I think it might be a better idea to eat four hours before your work out and do it on an empty stomach -then eat something with plenty of protein within twenty minutes of the end of your work out.
  • Hello! I have an absolute minimum of 60 lbs to lose and am 5'3". If any of you would like to be friends to support each other, compare diets/exercise or anything then send me a request!
  • 5'3", though I started my official weight loss attempt at 220 on New Year's, I'm sure I was higher, even significantly higher, in the last three years. I was in serious flux for a while :( I made lifestyle changes and lost 30 pounds, dropping to 190 by August but I plateau'd after that point. Three weeks ago today I…
  • My family endured a lot of kitchen disasters with me as I learned to cook, and bless them for that. I started off cooking myself eggs -fry 'em, boil 'em, dress them however you like. It's a good way to get comfortable with a stovetop. From there try things that are simple, quick, and yummy like french toast.
  • Drink something like an espresso then immediately take a powernap if you can. In twenty minutes the caffeine'll hit and you'll be up and about so fast you won't believe it, lol. Take it from a college student.
  • It's easier, but the pre-measured calories may not be worth the reduced nutritional value for you; you're not just shedding body weight, you're (hopefully!) building a healthier body for yourself, one that's likely got a lower body fat percentage but doesn't cost you muscle along the way.
  • There are different standards of beauty that would set different ideals. You might find your ideal in what you see in magazines, or you might find yourself feeling most sexy in what's colloquially called a "Hip-hop thick" body. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder is what I'm saying -I just hope that beholder is you,…
  • I actually wouldn't recomend weighing in too often! I think these two articles on Nerdfitness explain why not very well: Instead weigh yourself no more…
  • I don't know about anything making me different, but I'm not looking to the scale for results yet. I'm just looking to build the kind of habits that result in a lifestyle condusive to losing weight. Figure it's time to work on better managing my caloric intake and exercising so I joined MFP.
  • Hey there, I'm just starting too! I should lose about 70 pounds, but would be happy with 50. Feel free to add me!
  • This is my first day on MFP! I've spent the last year changing my habits and have had some success ; I joined because I was ready to kick it to the next level. Good luck Robin, I hope we can both make it to our respective finish lines!