

  • I do and I love it :) First time was awful, second time wasn't so bad, third time I was hooked. I also have a super-ubber awesome support system and that seems to be part of most peoples success, as is is for me! It isn't for everybody but nothing rarely is :wink: I'd be happy to inbox you! It's easier to relate when your…
  • I sent you a private message, probably the best route :neutral_face:
  • Hey, I think this is an old thread but what the hay :) I started my 30 day in October and just got my 2nd 30 day (because I have lots to loose) and I love it!!!! I have energy like I've never had in my life. I like to use the hungry girl website and book in combination with this site. So far I have lost 23# and 30.5" It's…
  • Your kitchen. Seriously, it is one of the healthiest places you will find. I'd never been much of an experimenter when it comes to cooking/creating in my own kitchen. However I did come into my own when I took my health into my own hands (my own kitchen). Eating out is great but it can be very tempting to derail. Your on…
  • Hi beloitrose, Isagenix has changed my life, I started it on October 13th of this year. I'd seen so many people be transformed that I finally bit the bullet if you will AND I was ready. After years of yo-yoing I knew I needed to do something and Isagenix has been the best for me. I most definitely would have given up at…