
  • :) <3 Good for you, Sweety. You are just fine, young and should enjoy life as much as you can. Who cares about your mother's negative opinion. Opinions are like butt-holes...everybody has one. Wear it!
  • Good morning. lately, I noticed that trying to stay on a constant 1,200 caloric diet is very stressful for me. Since women need 1800 cal. to maintain their weight, then I don't see any harm in a 1600 cal. diet. Just what is the differance? I wanted to go outside, but I just heard gunshots nearby. That puts the kabash on…
  • I know that many people that have T2 Diabetes also have other problems physically. I have Spinal Stenosis, high blood pressure, and Raynauds' Syndrom. Most people that live up here in the cold climate have that as well. No, I don't want to move to a warmer area. To top it off, I have this nasty head-cold to put up with.…
  • I don't understand how a doctor can tell a diabetic that they do not need a meter :( . I am happy to see you and your doctor will discuss more at your next appt. Possitive encouragement is very important for everyone. Hi, tngram2seven. Hi, Chars. :)
  • Hi, Lori. I read that you do not have a Glucose meter, is that correct? Your doctor or nurse practitioner should have got one for you. It is a handy kit to have around, and small enough for you to put inside your purse, as well. Call them and see if you can have one. Whether or not you are ready to make more changes in…
  • Hi. I'm Rita, and a Type2 Diabetic. I am currently on Metphormin tablet 500mg to help control my glucose. It's either that, or the insulin shot. My diet and mild working out isn't helping much, so now I take Metphormin twice a day. Yes, I still watch my eating, drink plenty of water because I become so dehydrated/thirsty.…
  • Hi. I honestly believe there are plenty of 'additives' intentionally put inside of processed foods, and all types of sugars, too. These additives are put in foods to 'enhance' flavor, and preserve shelf-life, as well. When you buy canned/packaged foods/chips/candy, please read the ingredients/labels. Next, take time to go…