CPHolma Member


  • Guess after having 6 kids and carrying all the extra weight for so long, never thought I'd be back to maintaining lol
  • Thank you everyone so much for all your comments - it's really helpful
  • When I set my goal, it was just a random number I settled on so I had something to shoot for ha ha. I was more interested in getting back to a size 8 (am actually in a size 6 now), and body fat between 22-23% (about 24% now). Where I'm at now is in the higher "normal" range for my height, just not sure how little I want to…
  • I'm 5'5". As far as people treating me different, generally I haven't noticed a difference. I think the bigger difference has been how I interact with people as I've lost weight. I've become less self conscious and more comfortable with myself regardless of what other people think. Thanks for the feedback - funny how when…