UMDavies Member


  • This group has been amazing - I've been lurking for ages and it's been so useful looking back over previous posts to learn more about eating this way. And there have been so many problems that I've had which would have made me give up if I hadn't been able to ask people on here about them and find out what to do! Plus…
  • I start my day with a bulletproof coffee and it's worked wonders for my cravings later in the day - when I worked in an office job last year it was always hell trying to resist the cakes and biscuits people brought in to share! Now I'm back studying again my diet tends to be perfectly keto up until about 7pm and then it…
  • I measured myself in September as an afterthought and promptly forgot about it... then found the note with the measurements on the other day when cleaning. I've been really frustrated recently as the scale isn't budging and I'm losing and regaining about two pounds for almost a month :( But when I did my measurements I'd…
  • Hi everyone! I'm in as I could do with somewhere to post the random little things I'm noticing about eating keto, and also to stay motivated. I started this WOE in June/July after being diagnosed with PCOS and the doctor recommending I look into low carb diets. To cut a long story short, it's revolutionised how I view food…
  • Thanks everyone! I'm feeling better now and hopefully will be fully functional again tomorrow morning. I am taking a magnesium citrate supplement each evening but will look into whether I can increase the dosage, and I've got a probiotic I used to take a few months ago I can start using again as well. Hopefully these will…
  • First check-in! 14th July 2015 - 14th August 2015 Age: 22 SW: 170lbs CW: 168lbs TMGW: 164lbs GW: 150lbs Total loss: 2lbs I put the wrong SW in my first post... oops :D but I'm -2lbs this week, so hoping it continues like this! Hope everyone's first week went well :)
  • A bit late posting this week! SW:191lbs CW: 168lbs GW:150lbs Weigh in dates: Start of the month(07/01 Wednesday): NA 07/04 Sat: 172lbs 07/11 Sat: 170lbs 07/19 Sun: 168lbs 07/25 Sat: End of the month(07/31 Friday): Total weight lost: -6lbs I was a bit ill on Saturday night though so that could have something to do with it -…
  • Thanks for the replies everyone! Unfortunately my doctor has gone off sick so I've cancelled my appointment - the next one I could get was in a month and a half's time when I'll be on holiday, so I'll probably just rebook it when I get back. However, I've been low-carb/keto for the past few weeks and taking my metformin as…
  • Hi Lisa! I've been lurking for a while and just started low-carb a few weeks ago too, it's been great for me so far. I've lost 10lbs and broken through a stubborn plateau, plus I feel 100% better than when I wasn't eating LC/keto :) If it helps I've also got mild PCOS, which I take metformin for. Lol at you dreaming about…
  • I absolutely love this thread! You might be a keto dieter if... you feel uncomfortable reading the threads on the main boards because there's inevitably so many posts on 'I'm eating 1200 calories and not losing weight - I eat cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and a 'healthy' pasta bake for supper, what am I doing…
  • Hi, yes there is a script you can run which will subtract it for you -
  • @CoconuttyMummy I've been having mine with butter, coconut oil and some double (heavy) cream - will this keep me in a fasted state or is the cream too much?
  • Hello everyone! I'm 22 and was diagnosed last year. I'm not ttc at the moment but I'm taking metformin to combat the insulin resistance and doxycycline to help with the lovely acne I get. I've just started the low-carb/keto diet this month so it'll be interesting to keep track of it! 14th July 2015 - 14th August 2015 Age:…
  • Hey there, I just started too so good luck to both of us! My macros are 10%, 25% and 65% but I've got the net carbs thing set up, so although my total carbs is 35g I'm aiming for 15-25g of net per day. Let me know how it goes!
  • Hi Kim, I'm Maeve :) Congratulations on losing the first 55lbs! It sounds like you're doing great already :) I've been diagnosed since May 2014, but I'm not trying to conceive so it's not affecting me too much, other than making it more difficult to lose weight. I'm going for low-carb, high healthy fat, moderate protein…
  • SW:191lbs CW: 170lbs GW:150lbs Weigh in dates: Start of the month(07/01 Wednesday): NA 07/04 Sat: 172lbs 07/11 Sat: 170 07/18 Sat: 07/25 Sat: End of the month(07/31 Friday): Total weight lost: -4lbs Yay! I'm at 170! Officially over halfway to my goal weigh :D Well done everyone!
  • When I don't want to workout: 'I never regret it when I do, but I always regret it when I don't' When I want to binge eat on unhealthy food: 'I never regret it when I don't, but I always regret it when I do!' It reminds me that, however I feel at that present moment in time (i.e. like skipping the gym and going home for…
  • Well done - you can see such a difference, I can't believe it's 'only' 14lbs! Just shows that the scale isn't always the best measure of success :) Congrats, and also thanks for all the helpful posts on the message boards here - I'm on the keto board, low carb board and PCOS board so I feel like I'm stalking you a little…
  • Hi OP, there is a keto group on here which is very helpful and has been great for motivation for me! :)
  • I'm a 32G and I've used the Panache sport one and ShockAbsorber Ultimate Run, which are both good :)
  • Hey, I feel your pain with this! Mine has subsided a bit since I've started taking metformin, but I still have to get the hair removal cream out every few weeks for my moustache :( But before I was having to do my sideburns too!
  • Hmm, I had a slight mishap with BPC last weekend so am taking it slowly for now - don't think my toilet can face a repeat of last time if you get my drift! :lol: @Raynne413 what's your keto granola? Is it a recipe or do you buy it? My current plan, for next week at least, is a kind of plum clafoutis thing - like this but…
  • Haha, glad it made everyone laugh - I told my Mum the story over the phone and she had to call me back as she was laughing so much! Very funny :) @nvsmomketo Yes you do have to blend it, as otherwise the butter and oil won't mix properly with the coffee and you'll just get an oily, globby mess. I think you can use a coffee…
  • UPDATE: Oh dear God. Use this stuff with caution the first time! Warning - possible TMI following. I felt great after my coffee breakfast this morning and I was raring to go for my morning Body Pump session. It's about a 3 mile cycle away so I jumped on my bike and headed off. Got there, got into the class, all fine -…
  • SW:191lbs CW: 172lbs GW:150lbs Weigh in dates: Start of the month(07/01 Wednesday): NA 07/04 Sat: 172lbs 07/11 Sat: 07/18 Sat: 07/25 Sat: End of the month(07/31 Friday): Total weight lost: -2lbs Yay! Down 2lbs from Friday last week - I've been weighing myself on Fridays since I started using MFP so I didn't weigh in on…
  • Thanks everyone! I stuck to my rest day in the end - I went to Body Pump at the gym yesterday and I'm aching all over, so I figure I probably need it before the gym tomorrow. I've got loads of errands done and will be having a protein shake for supper instead of my soup to try and at least keep to one of my macros today! I…
  • Thanks guys - going to give the peppers and sugarsnap peas a try! @AlisonH729 I have been getting hummus from the shop but I'm looking up recipes right now, as I just bought about a million tins of chickpeas (they were on offer!) so I could do with using them up!
  • Going to give this a go for the first time, wish me luck! SW:174lbs CW: GW:166lbs I've got my plan set to lose 2lbs per week so I'm going to aim for that, but realistically I have a work trip and a family visit coming up so things might not be so great those weeks, although I'm going to really try and stick to my calories.…
  • I had exactly the same problem! I was living with eight housemates, all of us 22-23 years old, and all of us working 9-5 during the week. Needless to say, on the weekends we tended to go a bit overboard and treat ourselves. What I found worked for me was scheduling exercise in for reasonably early (like, before lunch...…
  • Sounds great - can I be a Stark please?