ripper4998 Member


  • Remember its a marathon not a sprint. If you expect to get where you want in a month time frame thats the wrong mentality. At your weight, 5 lbs in three weeks is phenomenal.
  • I feel your pain. I have been on my weightloss journey for the last 2 months. Its very tough in the beginning but you have to remind yourself that its worth it. I tell myself that I have had 37 years of treating my body with the crap it doesnt need. I recommend a step into approach. It worked for me. Get your eatting right…
  • I travel alot for my job so what I do is stick to things that I know are lean. Chicken breast and fish are two staples I stick to. Also when I do a salad, I make sure they can take off things I should eat such as fried chicken tenders or other items. Alot of places do have healthy options, you just have to ask.
  • It works through the Apple Health app on the phone you synced the watch with. Just give it all the permissions in the sources section and it works seamlessly