GCLauren Member


  • Try getting a friend to do a 30 day challenge with you! I'm about 3/4 of the way through one with a friend and I never would have finished it had we not been pushing each other :) There are tons on Pinterest. Or set small goals for yourself. Like lose 5 pounds and treat yourself with something (Ideally not a fatty edible…
  • Just keep it simple :) Baby steps. Try adding more lean protein, veggies and complex carbs (sweet potatoes and brown rice tend to do it for me) into your diet. You'll end up finding yourself more satisfied after a meal and less bloated than if you're eating pastas with heavy cream sauces and stuff. I mean you're on here so…
  • Nothing to be embarrassed about! :) You've recognized that you need to make a change and are taking the steps to get there. That's what matters. Good for you.