thin2be2013 Member


  • pawoodhull ~ IMO you have this vsg lifestyle down to an art! I have you as a friend on here and I always look at your have done so well! I just hope when I am out as far as you, I can say the same about me. It is strange for me...on-line health food shopping vs. in-store health food shopping. Oh I will spend a…
  • jrnguyen ~ I just wish I could get slightly addicted to exercise.... I have the exact opposite issue with that....I have to make myself do it. Kuddo's on you realizing it was an issue and you overcame it...that is a huge accomplishment. :-)
  • bikrchk ~ When you mentioned the P28 immediate thought was "hmmmm wonder if that is better than the protein bread I have" LOL...... but nope not even going to look it up to see what it is 3 loaves of protein bread in freezer right now o:) Going to be good this time.
  • loriloftness ~ I know my awareness of the transfer addiction of wanting to clothes shop ect has always been in my foremost thought also that it could and does happen to a lot of WLS'ers....I think that is why I did not even think about stock-piling protein food as a problem for such a long time....but as you said…
  • ac7nj ~ At my 1 year follow up appt. I was asked about transfer addictions , but I did not see it as an issue then (although I was ordering then) I am truly hoping it is because of the weather....for instance snowed in today, hopefully once I can get back to my walking routine, things will calm down in my boredom, thus…
  • Really good question!! I am glad to hear your new friend is so accepting of your choice. I am very selective of who I fact have only told 3 people of my vsg. My 2 kids and my sister. I always try to remember the saying, "once I tell someone,I can never Untell them". It is a very private matter for me.....BUT if…
  • That is a good I have noticed this also. I am 16 months out in a few days and have noticed if I eat high protein+high fiber in the same meal I don't tend to get this way....but if the meal is just high protein I do. I am anxious to hear what ac7nj doc has to say about it.
  • Wow....what great stats....53 lbs. in 3 months is a big deal! Take a pic of the scale while standing on it.....I did and still look at it every once in awhile to remind me how wonderful this whole journey is and to bring back memories of how exciting it was to reach onderland.
  • That is awesome....def. a great NSV.....and will make you really enjoy those massages even more! (*)
    in NSV!!! Comment by thin2be2013 March 2015
  • I haven't really notice any odd restrictions with eating in different positions but I do notice that when I am wearing a compression garment to help with what I call "belly jelly" that I cannot eat near as much of anything.
  • I still feel fat at times....but it is a more enjoyable fat feeling. I honestly hope I don't ever feel "skinny" because I think that would be dangerous for me eating wise. I don't want to ever forget having to do a "rocking motion" just to get up off the couch or how my elastic waisted jeans would roll down my belly when I…
  • Thanks for the response PeggyF1....... I was reading up on the Chris Powell cycling and it seems do-able. Do you watch you calorie intake also?