TrainerLB Member


  • Yup, the guy above. A calculator online isn't going to have the right number for you. Pick a relatively safe intake, try it for a month, then change slightly. You have to experiment with your own body. Be smart and make small 100-200 cal changes, not 500. Also changing your macros versus calories can yield different…
  • I like working synergistic muscles together on the same day. My current split is: Back + bis, chest + tris, glutes + hams, shoulders + abs. You're double hitting each muscle group and a 4-day rotation sometimes allows you to hit the same muscle group 2xs in a week. Works well for me.
  • Eat at your maintenance level and train to gain muscle. The extra muscle mass will eventually decrease your bodyfat, but it will be very slow.
  • Can you post your height and approx bf%. I can tell you roughly where a good place to start with calories is.
  • You need to build muscle mass to burn calories. Cardio (in your case running) won't do the trick alone. If you have high bodyfat mass, you're not burning enough calories when you're not exercising. Running only burns calories AT THE TIME, but muscle burns calories ALL THE TIME. Take my word for it, increase your weight…
  • Great work ladies on your success! Feel free to email me for motivation. :) you're not alone and there are lots of people on here who would love to hear about your stories and share in your journey. Never give up.
  • My partner who is amazing and supportive. And looking back on how far I've come. Sometimes seeing where I used to be in terms of physique and fitness level, really motivates me to keep going forward so I don't go backwards.
  • I recommend paying very close attention to your cravings. Are you craving starchy foods? Sweets? Fats? Creamy things? Salt? Your cravings can actually indicate a deficiency and meeting that deficiency in a healthy way can prevent a binge. I strongly recommend NOT cutting out an entire food group. When you bring it back in…
  • Coconut oil, full-fat lard, nuts. All these are much healthier than beer and doughnuts.
  • Hey girl, just looked at your diary and although your calories are fine, you're eating absolute garbage. Don't take that the wrong way, I'm just telling you what other people on here might not. You need to focus not only on how many calories you're eating, but also WHAT you're eating. Fruit, green veggies, complex carbs…