

  • I swim when I can, jump on the treadmill at that highest gradient and slower pace but best of all (for lower body anyway) I do Windsor Pilates bun and thigh workout - I swear by it, you can find it on YouTube. I do my normal upper body strength training on a weights machine and found good modified ab workouts on YouTube…
  • Hi, just wanted to let you know I've been through two pregnancies of excessive weight gain 30+ lbs. even though I continued to exercise as usual ( I carried really well, I'm tall and I could still see my feet easily at full term.. It just sat right in between my hips) this time I have talked throughly to my obstetric…
  • A lot of us have been there, people who haven't struggled with weight for a long time don't realise how mentally time consuming it can be (I was big right from childhood) even when I managed to get the weight off in teens, I needed to be conscience all the time of when I was starting to gain - it felt like the fat was…
  • Got mine set at 5% for carbs - it takes it to 15 which works approx for me because it rounds up and down to the nearest whole number. So anything under half a carb registers as zero, figure it gives me decent lee way, if I hit fifteen I'm probably at goal :smile: I try to eat between twenty and twenty five carbs a day - it…
  • I'm personally going with good old Atkins. Going to start with 20 net carbs per day and up them slowly as I feel I need to. the first time I stayed on twenty carbs feeling great for almost two months, then started upping because I wanted to make sure I eventually found my Maintenence
  • Me too!! And I Just joined a ninety day atkins challenge on a forum here. It starts tommorrow. If it helps I succefully lost 25kgs doing Atkins last year after my daughter was born. And then struggled to maintain it using calories so found my personal Maintenence was a whopping 60-70 carbs a day. Which for anyone…
  • Yay! I'm in, and been looking for some help and support from others in the same boat.. I have been trying to lose/maintain weight the low fat/calorie way (since I got ridiculed for low carbing around a year ago) and have really struggled the last six months. I lost my little boy in April which lead to a whopping 14kg…