lsmathteacher Member


  • I decreased the amount of sugar in my body. 20-30% of calories were from sugar. I get my sugar mostly from veggies and a little fruit. Still have some added sugar in my bread. I don't count the sugar from veggies but otherwise keep it to 25-30 g of sugar. Plus I still have complex carbs which the body converts to sugar.
  • Yes my trainer has a nutrition background and I know I was addicted and I know the difference it has made in my life. I had been working with him for awhile and with other trainers before and weight was not dropping like after I detoxed and started watching my sugar intake. Also I was not craving food and sweets. Science…
  • I was addicted and I went through withdrawal thus did need to detox just like a drug addict. My body craved sugar. When I got off sugar my health improved. I had more energy and inflammation went down in my body and started losing body fat. Added Sugar is not good for your body. When I got off sugar is So did not have to…
  • When I first started back to exercising I would take my inhaler before I exercised as I knew it would affect my asthma till I was in better condition. So try taking it before exercise and see if that helps. I also see a structural integrationist a masseuse with more training. He worked on my abs releasing the muscles…
  • Yes go to running store to have proper shoes. Though resently I was having issue with my knee. Got new shoes from running store and was still having issue. A trainer friend who got me into running when I told him I could not run had me meet with him. I mid foot almost heel striking. He then had me run barefoot for a bit on…
  • I have 16months recovery from sugar addiction. In October 2014 my trainer realized I was addicted to sugar. 20-30% of my calories came from sugar even though most was from fruit it was still way to much. I had been eating healthier since Nov. 2013 though not perfect. Trainer put me through detox. The first couple weeks was…
  • You can add me. I have lost 108 lbs and been maintaining for 5 months now.
  • 5'2" before 246 lbs current 138 lbs.Biggest impact was detoxing for sugar addiction. I have 15 month recovery from sugar addiction. It was really hard at first but the best thing I ever did. I exercise 5-6 days a week with at least 2 of those days being strength training.
  • I am 5'2" 40 years old. Goal weight is 143 this was set by my trainer. I thought I wanted to be 115-120 lbs but trainer said no said I would have to put on body fat to get there. Did not understand when I was above 200 lb but I understand now as I don't look as heavy as the scale says. I am currently 138 lbs. my body fat…
  • Before 246 lbs. current 138 lbs.
  • Congrats. You look great. I know the hard work that goes into it. As I have also lost 100+ lbs. Starting weight 246 Current weight 137.4 Height 5'2" Staring shirt XL Current shirt small Starting pants 24 women's Current pants 8 petite
  • I so understand and I am right there with you. I have been in maintenance mode almost a month. I am thankful I have my trainer who also helps with my nutrition to keep me from totally freaking out. We are slowly increasing calories to find where I need to be to maintain. This week has been tough as I see all I am eating in…