

  • Good idea (: I'll be sure to post for suggestions based off what's on sale next week! I think I'm going to be alright this week. Based off of what I got and what I already had my options looks like: * Deviled Egg Salad on a bed of Baby Spinach * Ground Turkey/Tuna/Eggs with rice and veggies (this will be my dinner staple)…
  • I'm going to go to the store right now. I think I'm going to get some more frozen veg, milk (I already have oats), tuna and eggs. I'll mix the tuna or eggs with some rice and veggies and sriracha or seasonings. If I can swing it I want to get a container of cottage cheese. I've got a couple cans of pineapple and peaches…
  • I suppose I'll use what foods I have left for the week and supplement some fruits and veggies with my last $20. I'll concentrate on sticking to healthy eating and track everything and see if I at least feel better doing this than the free-for-all I've been having. If I'm not satisfied I could always try low carb later on!
  • At Target I've seen what I call "baby steaks". a 10 pack for $11. Maybe I'll get that payday and spread it out over two weeks instead of the broil.
  • Thank you both for your responses. Daynerz- I know and I was doing so great for a while just watching what I was eating but my boyfriend got extremely sick and had to quit his job and has been basically bedridden for the last six months so then I had to take a higher paying job overnights because I'm paying for all the…