Somebody_Loved Member


  • Congratulations! Love the pictures - I'm also in the PNW and absolutely love running it. So beautiful. Good luck on your 50k - that's amazing!
  • Thank you! Yes, I've found a couple places just like this but my insurance only covers providers in network... currently trying to find an in-network provider that specializes in sports rehab.
  • @Elise4270 @greenolivetree - That's so true. Maybe I didn't notice the sedentary ailments as much because they're slower to develop and they weren't preventing me from doing anything (because I was sedentary). I feel a sense of urgency with the running injuries because they prevent me from running, and that totally sucks.
  • Gah, sounds exhausting! So glad you've figured it all out - I hope to get there. I've tried to do a bit of self-assessment - My right foot pronates a bit so my left side has to make up for it. However, I've also been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and posterior tibialis tendonitis and I'm sure it's all connected. My IT…
  • I figured as much but was trying to self-diagnose to avoid another doctor visit. I'll schedule an appointment - thanks for the feedback!
  • 07/01 - 3 miles 07/03 - 6 miles 07/04 - 1 mile 07/06 - 5 miles 07/07 - 3 miles 07/09 - 8 miles 07/11 - 4 lunch miles + 2.5 evening miles 07/13 - 5.5 miles 07/15 - 4 miles 07/17 - 10 miles Yesterday I ran my first double digit run since the marathon! It felt fantastic but my knees started hurting again immediately after. I…
  • Great progress so far! I left Weight Watchers for MFP and never looked back. I'm down 25 pounds, saving money each month and don't have to set an alarm on Saturdays to get weighed in. MFP > Weight Watchers.
  • Congrats!
  • 07/01 - 3 miles 07/03 - 6 miles 07/04 - 1 mile 07/06 - 5 miles 07/07 - 3 miles 07/09 - 8 miles 07/11 - 4 lunch miles + 2.5 evening miles 07/13 - 5.5 miles 07/15 - 4 miles Currently icing my knees after my 4 mile run. Great run today - felt like I could have kept going but didn't want to risk it. The rest days have been…
  • I'm 5'6! SW: 150 CW: 127 GW: 120 I went into maintenance for a while as I was training for a race, and now that that's over, I'm back to a deficit. My body has maintained at 127 pretty easily, though, so we'll see how the last few pounds go.
  • Congratulations!!
  • 07/01 - 3 miles 07/03 - 6 miles 07/04 - 1 mile 07/06 - 5 miles 07/07 - 3 miles 07/09 - 8 miles 07/11 - 4 lunch miles + 2.5 evening miles 07/13 - 5.5 miles Seems taking a rest day between runs helps my knees - ran with minimal pain today! 5.5 glorious lunch time miles. Upcoming races: 08/13: Magnuson Park 10k 08/20:…
  • Depending on your daily allowance, even 1 or two drinks can be hard to fit in. 1200 calories a day seemed almost impossible. When I started running it became significantly easier to fit drinks in. If you can decrease the number of drinks you're having with some of the tips here, plus get more calories from exercise, it…
  • I run 4 times a week and just ran my first marathon in June. You should check out the "July Running Challenge" - great group of people!
  • @greenolivetree - Thanks. They felt really good the couple weeks after the marathon since I wasn't running much, but the second I started to increase my mileage they started acting up again. When I got into my 16-20 mile long runs, my plantar fasciitis got really bad so my podiatrist put me in orthotics and that's when my…
  • There's a July Running Challenge group up on the boards. You can join anytime!
  • 07/01 - 3 miles 07/02 - Hiking w/ family 07/03 - 6 miles 07/04 - 1 mile 07/06 - 5 miles 07/07 - 3 miles 07/09 - 8 miles 07/11 - 4 lunch miles + 2.5 evening miles I went out last night for a couple extra miles and my knees were not happy about it. I don't know what's going on, but the past couple months my knees have really…
  • My planned 3 mile lunch run felt great so I squeezed in an extra mile. That should put me at 7 miles for today assuming my 3 mile post-work run goes well!
  • Love reading everyone's updates and seeing pictures! 07/01 - 3 miles 07/02 - Hiking w/ family 07/03 - 6 miles 07/04 - 1 mile 07/06 - 5 miles 07/07 - 3 miles 07/09 - 8 miles 07/11 - 3 miles (planning on running another 3 this evening) I had a nice 8 mile run on Saturday, although I was planning on going longer. My knee has…
  • I can practice moderation in pretty much everything, but with alcohol, sometimes it's easier to completely abstain. I'm currently doing Dry July to give my body and wallet a break from drinking. During this time I'm being mindful of what "triggers" me to want to drink, and my focus in August will be drinking in moderation…
  • I weigh every morning. When I used to weigh in once a week, I placed so much emphasis on that one day that it would really discourage me if it didn't go down. Now it's part of my daily routine and the fluctuations don't get to me. So long as the overall trend is going the direction I want it to, that's all that matters.…
  • Thanks so much, that's great feedback. I like the idea of repeating the last 4 weeks for a while until I'm comfortable that I can maintain my current level on my own.
  • I'm interested to see the answers on this, too. I just signed up for barre classes (mix of pilates, yoga, body weight exercises) in hopes to strengthen/increase flexibility to minimize running-related injuries. I have a 6 week trial so I'll check back in with how it goes!
  • I love this so much - congratulations!
  • 07/01 - 3 miles 07/02 - Hiking w/ family 07/03 - 6 miles 07/04 - 1 mile 07/06 - 5 miles 07/07 - 3 miles Had an amazing run after work yesterday. I normally use the treadmill on Wednesdays out of convenience, but the beautiful weather was calling my name. 3 treadmill miles today and looking forward to my first long run…
  • Yep. My scale always increases by 5-7 pounds after vacation and goes back down over the next week or two. Enjoy yourself and get back to it once you're home!
  • I get an hour for lunch and run 3x/week. Now that my mileage has increased, though, I can barely fit it in since I shower afterwards. Sounds dumb but it's also a pain to get my hair looking presentable after a run (short hair problems) so that's making me consider running after work and just walking during lunch. I do love…
  • Hey guys, I have a question. I had a marathon on June 18th and am just now getting my mileage back up. I've always used a training plan to determine how many miles I run each day. I started with c25k a year ago and worked my way up to Hal Higdon HM and marathon plans. Currently, my goal is to be HM ready at all times so…
  • @michable - Congratulations! Such an amazing accomplishment. @shanaber - I wish I had the discipline to go in the morning! Such an amazing way to start the day but I can't seem to drag my butt out of bed until the last minute. @ddmom0811 - I always see pictures from the Princess runs and even though I'm not a big Disney…
  • @greenolivetree - Thanks for the response. I've been foam rolling and stretching way more after having struggles with plantar fasciitis and posterior tibialis tendonitis. They've been better and now I'm in the same boat as you - trying to prevent them from reoccurring. I've also recently developed knee pain which I'm…