Okay - regular 2-week weigh in here. Haven't lost any more this time, still 75kg. However, there have been a few big meals out in that time, so I should be pleased that it's not gone up at all. Back here in another fortnight :)
Dorriemochan - do you mind me asking how much you have to lose? I only ask because those last few pounds are always the hardest (or at least I'm told they are - I'm nowhere near that stage yet lol) :smiley:
Have to say that starting my 7th week on the 5:2 diet, I've started to simply make exactly the same thing every fast day. Breakfast: lots of black coffee (2 cals) :smile: Lunch 225 cals: 1 oatibix biscuit (95 cal), 126ml full fat milk (80 cal), 150g fresh strawberries (48 cals) (or occasionally a similar amount of…
Just checking in again after my 6 week weigh in. Down from 79.5kg in early July to 75kg in mid-August. Heading the right direction. Still finding myself hungry on fasting days, but knowing I can eat a big breakfast the following morning helps a lot :)
Thanks for the inspiration flumi_f - and well done jetset26. Best thing so far is knowing that the fast is only one day and that I don't have to worry too much about calories on the non-fast days (just remembering to eat sensibly).
I imagine you'd have to count it and alter your food intake accordingly, after all they are calories you're ingesting.
I'm just starting this week. So today is my first fast day. Send buddy requests if you like :)